About the event
Psalm 24, John 4:35, Joel 2: 28& 29, Revelation 11:15.
Lift up your heads o ye gates of Abuja, be lifted up ye everlasting doors, the King of glory shall come into Abuja and the greatness of His mighty works shall be experienced in every home.
We declare that The Outpouring has ushered in an unprecedented dimension of God into the city of Abuja and into the lives of all who show up and tune in. Abuja is the Lord’s and all those who dwell in it!
We decree that the testimony in Abuja and all its neighbouring cites is that a new generation of people who seek the face of the Lord is all over the city. From the shouts of worship at The Outpouring Abuja, a new day of fellowship with the Father has begun in the city.
We declare that God has released a sound unto the earth and has given utterance to every Minister at The Outpouring. Their sounds and words have won several souls to the Lord, their words have delivered people from captivity and have released people into their God given destinies.
See, a large crowd with receptive hearts descended into the grounds of the Outpouring unhindered by any outside force. Like an army that does not break ranks, from organisation to execution, the Outpouring Abuja is seamlessly produced and executed with precision on every goal.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, the impact of The Outpouring Abuja has spread throughout Nigeria and globally such that we gain the attention and partnership of global giants. Following the Outpouring, righteousness exalts Nigeria and there is peace within her walls.
We declare that God has poured out His blessing on the Outpouring according to His riches in glory, the testimony is that the Outpouring lacks nothing as all financial and human capital needs have been met with favour from Kings and the expertise of men, indeed the people are willing.
All those the Lord has drawn are now scattered around the world with the fire of the Holy Spirit, raising the banner of the Lord; the army has indeed risen.
The glory of the Lord has descended and is displayed all over the city of Abuja and the Kingdoms of this world has become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He will reign forever.
We give all Glory to the Lord who has shown Himself mighty at The Outpouring, Abuja